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New Caravans
Bronze Upgrade $2099
24" 12v/230v TV with DVD
& Freeview (value $645)
Free standing Satellite Dish (value $395)
Fitted 100 watt Solar (value $745) 150 watt +$150
Bring Caravan up to Self Containment Standard ($695)
Can be Fitted to Any Caravan Purchased from Caravan Connection
Can be Fitted to Any Caravan Purchased from Caravan Connection
Gold Upgrade $6799
24" 12v/230v TV with DVD & Freeview (value $645)
Fully Auto Roof Mounted KiwiSat Sat Dish (value $2395)
Fitted 200 watt Solar ($1045)
80 litre underslung tanks fresh and waste (from $3200)
Self Containment Certificate $695
Can be Fitted to Any Caravan Purchased from Caravan Connection
Silver Upgrade $2999
24" 12v/230v TV with DVD & Freeview (value $645)
Wind Up Roof Mounted NZSat Sat Dish (value $1445)
Fitted 150 watt Solar (value $945) - 200 watt + $150
Bring Caravan up to Self Containment Standard ($695)
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